Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Huge Deal Tonight

  1. American Idol. We're in the Top 5, people. They're singing "Rat Pack" standards a/k/a songs Frank Sinatra has sung. Now, maybe someone will do a Sammy Davis or Dean Martin number, but The Chairman was so prolific, there's no need to go outside his playlist. Although I'm hoping that we hear a song from one of the two other guys nobody remembers.
  2. Dancing With the Stars. Its elimination night, and championship favorite Bachelor Melissa hurt her ribs, didn't compete, got by far the lowest scores and could be gone. Did the audience votes save her?????? DUH DUH DUHHHHH.
  3. GAME 7. There's just no other way around it. The game is gonna be awesome. The Caps have made a huge comeback to tie up the series. The winner moves on. They are on fire. I'll be in a deacon meeting. Boo. (Just in general boo to these meetings being on weeknights)

Oh yeah, and Bible Study.

Haha, just kidding. Studying the Bible is the number 1 priority. That's why God invented DVR. Chapter 2 of Crazy Love. Should be great. Becca will be leading since I'll be in that previously mentioned meeting.

PS: This blog needs more followers. Go to your friend's computers and make them follow us. Then put pictures of people they dislike as their background. Laugh Riot. Trust me.


  1. 1. AI's theme sounds horrendously boring... and I bet Adam will leave his hot hair at home and go for one of the goober styles he's sported in the past.
    2. Deacon meeting?? Seriously??
    3. Your "PS" made me laugh. I hope Stacy sees it and laughs too.
    4. Deacon meeting?? Seriously??
    Skip that mess.

  2. I am sure I could get out of it, but unfortunately, we only have them once every 6 weeks and there's a number of important things coming up that I should probably be at the meeting to discuss.

    Hopefully it'll be short and sweet and then I'm back in time for Idol.

    I mean, the Bible study.
