Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The NEW new blog!!!! (More exclamation points means more fun)

Okay, so I have no idea what happened with the other blog site. Becca could post to it, but I could not after the first day. I attempted to contact Google about it, but I never received any answers. Their Help message boards did nothing.

So rather than continuing to wait, and wait, and wait, and wait--its the interweb! Make a new blog! Call it something else! Use letters instead of numbers. It's genius!

So hopefully Google lets me have this one longer than one day. I promise I won't make veiled references to my dislike of certain American Idol contestants (which is the reason I think they shut me out in the first place. The dark side of the force is strong!)

I look forward to chatting up life, the universe and everything with you.

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